Please contact me, maybe I have some stuff:
check this site:
Hope you will find what you are looking for!
Please contact me, maybe I have some stuff:
check this site:
Hope you will find what you are looking for!
Hi could you tell me if you have any completed units for sale. Also could you let me know what eurorack drum module PCbs you have available at the moment?
Best regards, Steve
Hi There
I’m interested in the SnapClap unit. Do you sell them built up or as a kit?
Hi im interested in the binaural beat unit, what a great job you’ve done on that..Do you have any for sale.
Hello, I’m interested in the binaural beat generator.
Do they still build this device and what does it cost?
Best wishes
Currently I am working on redesigned version – somehow simpler, but with laboratory quality sine generators and resonant VCF!
hope you’re good!
i’m looking for a dub sirene box.
do you have any availlable?
cheers, eki
I am very interested in a echo rockit, maybe you could help?
hope 2 hear from you, my name is Ramon Sterman i am located in Amsterdam
Hi, I am interested in some of the drum modules. Do you sell kits or at least panels/PCBs? Or you sell them as ready built?
Do you sell the pcb for the cataphonator? That was a generous demo, thank you.
Hey, great work mister syntherjack!
Any chance to buy you some eva01 kit (or just the pcb?)
Super interested in these modules — do you have gerbers, BOMs, or traces available to support someone building their own?
Hello i’m also very interested in the Binaural Beat Generator, is there anyway to get my hands on it, wether fully assembled or just as a detailed manual or kit ? Thanks a lot, and keep doing a great job !
Yes, there is a chance. Right now I’m working on upgraded version with better quality sine generators and modulation options. Stay tuned!
Hi Syntherjack
I’m interested in a PCB for the new design when they are available.
I would like to know if you have pcbs from those modules
hipbass drum
sdsv drum
and would you send it to Germany ?
Hi !
I’m also interested in those PCBs !
I’m in France, thanks in advance
Hi, i want to buy Korg Monotron Delay Implant
im interested in your drum modules, great work!
Do you have any pcbs for sale? Shipping to germany? Would be awesome
Congrats for all your great projects, really interesting…
I would like to buy from you a good schematic, list of parts and perhaps a design for the enclosure of your Binaural Beat Generator.
Kind regards
C.T. (Cathy)
Hey, not sure how often you check these comments… I don’t suppose I could buy an Ocean Noise generator PCB set from you? It’s perfect for what I need x
Mógłbyć ustawić nowe wpisy na stronie na górze, a nie na dole ;D Byłoby od razu widać, kto tu kiedy ostatnio zostawił jakiś ślad hehe ;)) Buziaki!